Soil Microbiome: Discover the microorganisms that fertilize the soil

In the vast and complex universe of agricultural soil, there is an invisible ecosystem that plays a fundamental role in providing essential nutrients for plant growth: the soil microbiome. This ecosystem is made up of a myriad of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses, which interact in complex ways to influence soil health and […]

Preserving the Soil: Strategies for monitoring and controlling erosion

Soil is a precious and finite resource that plays a vital role in food production and environmental sustainability. However, soil erosion poses a significant threat to soil quality and productivity. Fortunately, there are several effective strategies for monitoring and controlling erosion, helping to preserve this critical resource for future generations. In this article, we will […]

Exploring the Subsoil: Advanced Soil Analysis Technologies and Methods

Soil is a complex tapestry of life and nutrients that supports ecosystems and feeds cultures around the world. To uncover its secrets and optimize its use, scientists and farmers turn to increasingly sophisticated technologies and soil analysis methods. Let’s dive into this underground world and discover how science is revealing its wealth of information. Before […]

Newsletter SBCS 01/2020 (Março/Abril)

This is the first edition of the SBCS Newsletter. We intend to regularly send, by email, news from our Centers, Divisions, Commissions, Executive Secretariat and facts related to soil science. Editorial In the editorial of this first edition, we remind you that this Newsletter is circulating during a very difficult and different period for all of […]

Newsletter SBCS 02/2020 (Maio/agosto)

Editorial Aware of the changes brought about by the coronavirus pandemic, SBCS quickly sought to adapt to the demands of this new virtual time. This is how, since July, we entered the era of lives and the two we have promoted so far have been a success. To organize them, the SBCS board, in partnership […]

Newsletter SBCS Agosto/Dezembro 2021

5.000 / 5.000Editorial The year 2020 was one of losses for everyone, but also of learning, adaptation and overcoming. It would be no different at SBCS. We learned how to hold online events, live streams, social media discussions, remote classes, etc. Forms of communication already used in other areas have finally been incorporated into our […]

Newsletter SBCS Janeiro/Julho de 2021

SBCS live season opens in 2021 After the success of the lives, promoted last year, SBCS opened the 2021 season talking about Soil Biology. The live was promoted by Division 2 of the SBCS on April 13th. SBCS is also supporting lives promoted by Regional Centers and on soil science topics through dissemination in its […]

SBCS Newsletter August/December 2021

Events promoted by SBCS Regional Centers Paraná The SBCS Paraná Soil Science Center (NEPAR) promoted, on November 17th and 18th, the 7th Paraná Soil Science Meeting. The event was organized by the Soil Group of the State University of the Center-West – UNICENTRO-PR with the theme “High productivity combined with soil conservation”. Northwest The Noroeste […]

SBCS Newsletter January/July 2022

SBCS turns 75 Created in October 1947, SBCS was the first Ibero-Latin American soil science society. In Brazil, it is even older than the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science, the SBPC. The stamp commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Brazilian Society of Soil Science was launched during the live broadcast on soil conservation […]