Applications for postgraduate programs in Soil Science

Check out, in the SBCS social media stories, the opening of vacancies for the various Postgraduate Programs in Soils in Brazil. To send a publicity request, prepare a post in story format containing the following information: Program Name, Institution, Registration opening and closing date, number of vacancies and link to the notice in QR Code.

XXI Brazilian Soil and Water Management and Conservation Meeting confirmed for 2024

After seven years, the SBCS will once again hold the Brazilian Soil and Water Management and Conservation Meeting, this time in its 21st edition. The event will be held simultaneously with the VIII Mineiro Soil Science Symposium, on the Campus of the Federal University of Viçosa, in Viçosa-MG. The event is expected to be held […]

Follow the organization of the next Brazilian Soil Science Congress

The next Brazilian Soil Science Congress will be in 2025, but it already has a date, location and even an Instagram profile. Want to know more? Why Upaon-Açu? Upaon-Açu is a Brazilian island in the state of Maranhão, with an area of ​​1,410.015 km² and is part of the Golfão Maranhense Archipelago and is where […]